
Strawberry Zucchini Ice Cream

Excuse me, what? Yes, you heard that correctly. I used frozen zucchini to make ice cream. Actually, it has more of a gelato consistency, but it is very good, nonetheless. We tried the viral recipe from Instagram while putting out own spin on it. There seems there is a lot of room to make this recipe your own.

I did tell my kids it was made with zucchini. One time i made the mistake of white lying about the ingredients in our food to my son and then he had such anxiety about what was really in his dinner for months. So now I tell them exactly what is in it and why it’s good for them and that helps a ton. It sounds like, “Yep, it has zucchini in it! Did you know zucchini helps your eye sight and tummy not get upset?” My daughter who “hates” zucchini bravely tasted this recipe and ended up with three helpings! Which was completely fine because the only sugar in it was in the strawberry yogurt. Amazing!

So easy and simple. I was pretty happy with the results. I feel like I’m going to be making this often for the rest of summer!


1. Cutting the zucchini and strawberries smaller and letting them thaw a little will help your waiting time and food processor.

2. I think pairing this with an ice cream cone or graham crackers would be heaven!

Strawberry Zucchini Ice Cream

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 40 minutesRest time: 40 minutesTotal time:1 hour 50 minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:300 kcal Best Season:Summer


Strawberry ice cream made from zucchini with no added sugar.



  1. Peel, chop, and freeze zucchini a day before
  2. Combine frozen zucchini, frozen strawberries, yogurt, cinnamon, and protein powder in food processor and blend until creamy. (Mine took 8 minutes)
  3. Top with whatever you’d like and serve!
  4. Freeze left overs!